bloc studios

Bloc Studios
198 Arundel Street
S1 4RE



Current artists at Bloc

(click below for their websites)

Bryan Eccleshall
Kate Whateley
Martha and Hepsie
Richard Bartle
John Bainbridge
From Works
Jenny Smith
Michael Day
Stephen Todd
Sean Williams
Gareth Bunting
Ruth Herbert
Sarah Jane Palmer
Simon Le Ruez

David Orme

Janie Moore
Ian Nesbitt
Jack Kettlewell
Bloc Projects
Elizabeth Von Graevenitz
David Jones
Susanne Palzer
Christine Arnold
Marika Grasso
Arnett Powell
Yuen Fong Ling
Deb Lee
Ruth Levene
James Croft
katie Jamieson
Michael Prince
Mel Pearson
Dave Akehurst
Conor Rogers
Joanna Whittle
Victoria Lucas
Emma Bolland
Viviana Rivas
Brian Lee
Iris Harris
Marnie Waghorn
Abigale Moatis
Sile Sabanda
Dave Heels
Alka Walton
Tracey Doxey
Neil Webb
Christiane Thalmann
Jaime Alberdiaz
Anna Netri
Maud Haya Baviera
Mike Drabble

Rita Kaisen

Heavy Water Collective


Palmer Studio

Bloc Projects

Todd Studio

Eyre Lane

Lucas Studio

The Yard

Williams Studio

Bike Shed

BLOC STUDIOS LIMITED (Reg. No. 06932495)